
正如圣. 爱德华的 University community works together to achieve 战略计划 2027, it’s essential that we present a purposeful, clear 和 unified voice to our audiences around the world.

By using this 沟通s Guide, you’ll contribute to a higher st和ard of consistency in our online 和 print communications. This uniformity will enhance the university’s image 和 assist us in being strong stewards of our br和.

When you craft written communications for St. 爱德华的, refer to this guide often. Use it for help with common questions about basic grammar, spelling 和 punctuation. You’ll also find clarification on some frequently misspelled 和 misused words, 和 the proper forms of university-specific terms, locations 和 descriptions. We’ve even included guidelines for writing effective copy.

Just like the English language, this guide is a work in progress; outdated information routinely gives way to new information. Please contact the 市场营销 Office if you have questions about our communications guidelines or suggestions for additions.

Clear, Accurate, Effective 沟通s

St. 爱德华的 University communications use the Associated Press Stylebook 和 Briefing on Media Law (2019) as the primary reference for style, usage, spelling 和 punctuation. The 美联社样本 is available in the St. 爱德华的 University Bookstore 和 directly from the Associated Press online. Webster’s New World College Dictionary, fifth edition, is our primary dictionary. Use the first entry as the rule.

For issues not covered by this guide or the 美联社样本, the 市场营销 Office recommends the most current edition of these additional references: The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr.; The Chicago Manual of Style; The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage 和 Style; Wired Style: Principles of English Usage in the Digital Age.

Some style guidelines are specific to St. 爱德华的 University. When there is a discrepancy, the university’s style guide takes precedence over any entries in the 美联社样本 or other references.

News releases should be coordinated through the 市场营销 Office. 复制 for news releases also should adhere to guidelines specified in the 美联社样本.